Child Abuse Detection, Reporting and Treatment
Presented by
Lance J. Parks, LCSW
7 CE Credits/Contact Hours
Price: $35
This course is not approved by Pennsylvania. For more information and a list of approved providers for this particular course, please go to this link:
How to get your certificate of completion:
- On the left column, click on 'Download the Course.' [
- It would be helpful to 'print the test' to fill out as you read the course.
- After reading the course, click on the link to 'Take Test'
- If you have not already registered and logged in you will be prompted to do so.
- After passing the test, fill out the Course Evaluation, choose the method of payment then click submit (We accept PayPal, most major credit cards and echecks). You will then be taken to the payment page.
- After submitting payment, you will be able to print your certificate of completion on your member account page.
Test results of courses passed, receipts, and certificates of CE credit, are kept on your member account page for you to retrieve as needed.
Board and Agency Approvals
ASWB/ACE:, provider #1613, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 12/15/24 to 12/15/27. Social Workers completing this course receive 7 general continuing education credits.
CALIFORNIA: This program meets the requirements for the California Board of Behavioral Sciences for 7 hours of CE Credit
TEXAS: This course meets the criteria for acceptable continuing education as defined by the Texas State Boards of Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Social Workers for 7 hours of CE Credit.
This program is approved for 7 continuing education credits/contact hours by:
- The California Board of Registered Nursing # CEP 14462
- The National Board for Certified Counselors # 6412
- The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling #50-14000
- The California Association for Alcohol and Drug Educators # CP40 977 H 0425
- The California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals: CCAPP-IE Provider # 1N-16-256-0726
It is the responsibility of the participant to check with their board regarding specific CE requirements.
CE Course Description
This course reviews the signs of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. The course will focus on the short and long-term damage to the child caused by abuse and/or neglect. Additionally, mandated reporting laws and the penalties for reporting abuse are addressed. The course also provides training on forensic interviewing, assessment and development of case plans.
This course is an online, non-interactive, reading based, self-paced, and asynchronous course.
If you have questions about the course, require accessibility accommodations or need assistance, please email or call (909) 628-4216.
CE Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, the participant will be able to:
- Identify potential signs of child abuse; physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and child neglect
- Describe impacts of childhood trauma on well-being
- State definitions and strategies for assessing neglect
- Explain strategies for addressing neglect including prevention
- Define different types of child neglect
- Cite ways to analyze assessments to develop effective case plans
- Describe long-term consequences of child abuse and neglect
- State penalties for failure to report and false reporting of child abuse
- Cite resources on building resiliency
- Define child sexual abuse
- State consequences of child sexual abuse
- Define abusive head trauma in children
- Define forensic interviewing and describe best practices
- Explain effects of maltreatment on brain development
CE Course Outline
Target Audiences: A Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Professional Counselors and Nurses Content level: A Intermediate
- Chapter 1: What Is Child Abuse and Neglect?
- How Is Child Abuse and Neglect Defined in Federal Law?
- What Are the Major Types of Child Abuse and Neglect?
- Recognizing Signs of Abuse and Neglect and When to Report
- The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Well-Being
- Resources
- Chapter 2: Acts of Omission: An Overview of Child Neglect
- Chapter 3: Chronic Child Neglect
- What Is Chronic Neglect?
- Implications for Child Welfare
- Casework Practice to Address Chronic Neglect
- Multisystem Collaboration and Partnerships
- Evidence-Informed Interventions
- State and Local Examples
- Competencies and Training
- Importance of Hope
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 4: Parental Drug Use as Child Abuse
- Chapter 5: Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect
- Physical Health Consequences
- Psychological Consequences
- Behavioral Consequences
- Societal Consequences
- Federal Research on Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Preventing and Reducing the Long-Term Consequences of Maltreatment
- . Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 6: Penalties for Failure to Report and False Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
- Penalties for Failure to Report
- Penalties for False Reporting
- Citation
- Summaries of State Law
- Chapter 7: Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect
- Protective Factors
- Community-Based Primary Prevention Programs and Services
- How You Can Help
- Chapter 8: Domestic Violence and the Child Welfare System
- Definitions
- Scope of the Problem
- Chapter 9: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
- Chapter 10: Preventing Abusive Head Trauma in Children
- Chapter 11: Forensic Interviewing: A Primer for Child Welfare Professionals
- Chapter 12: Child Forensic Interviewing: Best Practices
Course Development
Course topics are chosen based on various board requirements and professionals needs. Licensed professionals oversee, compile and develop course materials, posttest, and other course materials, determine the level of difficulty, and ensure course content is appropriate. The course developer bio is available here.
Course Updated February 2020